Self-confidence is a wonderful quality to have. However, too much of it can cause the head to swell. While this may seem like a verse from a didactic children’s book, it is true. Overconfidence causes people to overestimate their abilities and knowledge, which are often far from reality. And we know that there are few things internet users would rather do than ridicule these cases online.

That’s why we’ve collected a whole list of them, courtesy of Confidently Incorrect subreddit. Scroll down to find most of them hilarious Sometimes stubborn people get things completely wrong, and make sure you give a voice to those who have rightly been torn apart by overconfident police.

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Image credits: professorarl

Image credits: Maddi-The-Baddi

A lot of behaviors of humanity has been observed, researched and named, and overconfidence is no exception. It is known that people who think a little too highly of themselves suffer from overconfidence.

“Overconfidence bias occurs when individuals overestimate their abilities, knowledge, or control over situations,” explains Dr. Ozan Toy, MD, MPH.

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Image credits: MaybeNotMaybeSo

A good example of this is most of us stories This is because students overestimate how quickly they can complete an assignment. After realizing that the task is taking longer than expected, they are unfortunately forced to spend the night.

Or when we set other overly ambitious goals, like promising to exercise and eat healthy every day without excuses. Motivation immediately plummets to zero after it becomes clear that such perfection may be impossible to achieve. This is a bias of overconfidence for you.

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Image credits: Mickey Swank

Such beliefs arise as a result of cognitive biases, which are thought patterns that interpret reality subjectively rather than relying on facts and rational judgment. It affects the way we process information and make decisions, resulting in poor reasoning, such as overestimating knowledge and skills.

Psychologist Dillon Harper, PhD, also suggests that overconfidence is our brain’s attempt to increase our self-esteem and reduce anxiety. By minimizing or ignoring our failures and focusing on past successes, we become more relaxed and confident in ourselves.

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Our brain’s tendency to convince us that we are better than we really are can be amplified by our lack of experience, because we don’t have enough knowledge to accurately evaluate our abilities. Another factor that plays a role in this is our upbringing.

“Prejudices about self-confidence are often the result of what we call ‘false empowerment’ in childhood,” says licensed marriage and family therapist Renée Zavislak. “Parents who consistently say things to their children like, ‘You’re the best’ and ‘You’re good at everything you do’ instead of real, realistic compliments like, ‘Yours is my favorite’ and ‘I’m proud on you’, tend to promote the development of an overconfidence bias.”

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Because of these factors, many people have excessive confidence in themselves. Research shows that 73% of American drivers think they are better than average, which is statistically impossible. A study using spelling tasks found that participants were 100% sure of their answers, but 80% of them were actually correct.

Furthermore, a whopping 65% of Americans think they are smarter than average, with this figure being even higher when it comes to men. These are just a few examples that prove that no one is safe from overconfidence bias, just like these people on this list.

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High self-esteem can influence our daily behavior and decisions. “When we overestimate our abilities, it’s like walking a tightrope blindfolded. We’re more likely to take unnecessary risks, ignore important feedback, or skip preparation because we think we have everything under control,” says Dr. Harper. .

“If things don’t go as planned, the fall from that height can be hard, leading to disappointment and a blow to our self-esteem.”

It can also have a negative impact on relationships, because few people like overconfidence that tends towards arrogance.

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Knowing when you’re overstating your belief in yourself can be difficult. Therefore, we must all strive to be realistic. “It is important to recognize that no one is perfect. We have all experienced failure, and often these failures are crucial to our growth and evolution,” says therapist Racheal Turner, LPC. “If we overestimate our abilities and leave no room for improvement, we do ourselves a disservice assuming we are the best at everything.”

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Even if we have skills and talent, we should never stop learning and doing better. Some additional tips to help avoid falling victim to overconfidence include asking for the perspectives of others, questioning our choices, and seeking other points of view by diversifying our sources of information.

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Image credits: TheChaosIndex

Image credits: ZhangtheGreat

Image credits: Mr_Jackcity

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